9 Jobs Where You Won’t Get a Paycheck If You Don’t Do Your Job, and 1 Job Where You Will
1. Your 1st Grade Teacher
2. The Firefighters Who Saved Your Neighbor’s Home
3. The Babysitter Who Helps You Out When You Have to Work Late
4. The Farmer Who Grew the Food on Your Dinner Table
5. The Construction Workers Who Built Your First Home
6. The Dry Cleaner’s Assistant Who Cleaned Your Suit for Your First Job Interview
7. The Barista at Your Favorite Coffee Shop
8. The Hair Dresser Who Cuts Your Family’s Hair
9. The Courier Who Delivered Flowers to Your Mom on Mothers’ Day
Meanwhile, there’s one job where you’ll always gets a paycheck, even without actually doing your work: working as a Member of Congress.
Yep. We Blue Dogs are just as appalled as you are.
The most basic job of Congress is to provide a budget for our country. Keeping a budget is not only necessary for responsible spending, it’s common sense. Small businesses have a budget; hardworking families have a budget; but right now, America does not have a budget. Last month, Congress once again missed its deadline to provide and pass one, yet Members of Congress can still count on their paychecks each month.
We’ve been so upset by this irresponsibility that in 2012, we endorsed the No Budget, No Pay Act — a Blue Dog bill that stops Members from being paid (that’s right, we endorsed our own pay-cut) if Congress does not pass a budget. A version of the bill was enacted into law — and it worked ! But it wasn’t permanent and only lasted for one year. So, the incentive for Congress to do its job and pass a budget has since been lost.
Find out how long it’s been since Congress missed its deadline to do its most basic job and pass a budget: http://bit.ly/1TCqJ13
(Prepare for some major eye-rolling).